Morning Healthy Lifestyle Habits You Should Try

How you spend your mornings can set the tone for your whole day. Establishing healthy morning habits promotes wellness and productivity all day long. Devoting time for self-care first thing can help you feel focused, energized and ready to take on whatever comes your way. Let’s look at some of the top science-backed morning routines to start your day off right.

Wake Up Early

Being an early riser allows you time to ease into your day gradually, without rushing around stressed. Try setting your alarm 30-60 minutes earlier. Other advantages of waking up early include:

  • More time for healthy morning activities like exercise, meditation or making a nutritious breakfast. You’re less likely to skip them if pressed for time.
  • Increased consistency with your sleep schedule by going to bed and waking at the same times. This improves sleep quality.
  • A sense of control over your day. Accomplishing personal habits first thing instills confidence to stick with your routine later on.

Waking up early takes some adjustment if you’re used to sleeping in. Try going to bed 15-20 minutes earlier each night until you reach your ideal wake-up time. The trade-off of more morning me-time is worth it!


After going 6-8 hours without liquids overnight, hydrating first thing in the morning should be a top priority. Proper water intake provides many benefits:

  • Replenishes fluids lost while sleeping – you wake up dehydrated. This rehydration energizes you.
  • Boosts metabolism and aids digestion. Drinking water gets your gastrointestinal tract moving.
  • Keeps skin looking fresh and healthy. Proper hydration equals a more youthful glow.

Drink 2 full glasses (16 oz) of water within 30 minutes of waking. To change things up, add sliced lemon, lime, cucumber or mint. Stick to non-caffeinated, non-caloric beverages to get the full re-hydrating effects.


The mental clarity and energy boost you get from regular morning workouts can set a positive trajectory for your whole day. Additional advantages include:

  • Exercising first thing raises your resting metabolism so you burn more calories throughout the day.
  • It establishes the habit so you’re less likely to skip later when your schedule gets busy.
  • The release of mood-boosting endorphins decreases stress and mental fatigue.

Any movement is great, especially brisk walking or light yoga stretches. Save intense training for later if you’re new to morning exercise. Just 5-10 minutes raises your heart rate and gets you ready for an active day.

Eat Nutritious Breakfast

Fueling up with a balanced breakfast helps replenish your body after 10-12 hours of fasting during sleep. A protein source plus complex carbs and fruit gives you steady energy that lasts for hours. Benefits include:

  • Improved concentration, memory and mental performance compared to skipping breakfast.
  • Boosts metabolism more than larger meals later in the day.
  • Less temptation for impulse snacking or sugar-filled caffeine fixes mid-morning when energy crashes.

Avoid skipping breakfast or carb-heavy options lacking protein like muffins, cereals, or pastries. The right breakfast choices prepare you to stay alert and on-track all morning.

Practice Gratitude

Taking a few minutes first thing to cultivate an attitude of gratitude sets a positive tone that makes your whole day more enjoyable and fulfilling. Reasons to add gratitude to your morning routine:

  • Starts your day focusing on abundance versus lack – you’ll see more things to appreciate throughout the day.
  • Releases serotonin, the “feel good” neurotransmitter that boosts mood.
  • Motivates positive choices and actions when you feel blessed.

Keep a gratitude journal or just take a quiet moment to give thanks for a few positive things, like your health, loved ones or simple comforts. Gratitude is a game-changer for your mindset and outlook.

Visualize Your Day

Spending a minute visualizing how you want your day to go primes you for success through the power of intention. Ways to incorporate visualization:

  • Set your top 1-3 intentions for the day – how do you want to interact with others and approach your responsibilities? Envision handling challenges calmly.
  • Picture yourself making healthy choices like sticking with your eating plan or walking during lunch. Imagine successfully reaching a fitness goal.

Mentally walk through a stressful situation or difficult conversation, visualizing poise, patience and positive outcomes. Getting into this forward-thinking mindset first thing motivates you to turn positive visions into reality throughout the hours ahead.


The morning habits you choose set the stage for your energy, productivity and health for the rest of the day. Wake up a little earlier to focus on self-care through hydration, exercise, a nourishing breakfast, gratitude and visualization. Establishing this consistent morning routine boosts your physical and mental health all day long, giving you greater life balance and satisfaction.

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